
Fàilte gu Freumhan

Tha Freumhan na chruinneachadh film a’ comharrachadh ’s a togail air lèirsinn luchd ealain na Gàidhlig. Tha Rural Nations CIC a clàradh filmichean goirid a’ glacadh an dòigh obrach agus na smuaintean aig luchd ealain na Gàidhlig agus mar a tha an cànan a buntainn ris an obair aca.

Freumhan is an innovative new Gaelic film archive celebrating the work and vision of Gaelic speaking Artists. The Film Archive is being developed by Rural Nations CIC  initially in the Outer Hebrides to capture through moving image the vision and passion behind the work of Gaelic speaking artists and why working in Gaelic is so important to them.


Mar a’ chiad cheum air an t-slighe chun tasglann tha Rural Nations a toirt boillsgeadh air obair dithis luchd ealain stèidhte ’sna h-Eileanan an Iar, Margarita Williams agus Uilleam MacMhathain, cuideachd dithis a tha an luib Eathraichean nan Salm air Na Lochan.

Rural Nations are at the beginning of our journey on developing this film archive, to start with we have captured a glimpse of the work by two established artists based in the Hebrides, Margarita Williams and William Matheson and also we caught up with some members of the local Psalmboat Project.

website by plexus media