
‘S e iomairt coimhearsnachd a tha ann an Rural Nations agus tha sinn gu mor an urra ri struthan maoineachaidh, luchd taic, teachd a steach bho tachartasan, bùithtean obrach agus cleasachd air chuairt. Tha ar luchd taic a toirt cothrom dhuinn a bhith a toirt obair ga luchd ealain fa leth agus tha na tha sinn a cur air adhart a comharrachadh agus a bualadh air coimhearsnachdan air an tuath.

Rural Nation is an artist led community interest company, we rely on the generosity of our grant funders and supporters and on the funds we can generate from our workshops and events, film screenings and touring theatre shows. The loyalty and returning custom of the public attending our events enables us to support the film, theatre and visual artists we work with to thrive. Rural Nations engages freelance artists to work on our projects and we like to focus our projects in rural communities.

Taic: Ni sgilling no dha feum mhòr.
Donate: Every donation no matter how small is greatly appreciated.

Ma tha sibh airson taic a chur ris an ath streath filmichean brùth an seo.
If you would like to donate to help us make more incredible short films of Gaelic speaking artists for the Freumhan film archive please click here.

Thank You

website by plexus media